Atito Development Foundation


Every child deserves the right to education, to live, blossom and prosper. But not all of them get that equal opportunity to nature the potential and talent they possess due to lack of technology and educational tools needed for them to compute in today’s world. The Atito Basic School need a refurbished Library and Computer Centre. In addition such items as computers, interactive whiteboard, video equipment, books, Sporting equipment, internet connection and networks to deliver access to rich educational content. Atito School lack all the above. Education is a right so please support the school to give the children a chance. Sponsor a student. A class, A project or donate towards rebuilding the School Library and Computer Centre.

$20 helps to cover electricity for a class of 20 pupils for 3 months

$40 helps to buy 20 workbooks for class of 20 for the year

$100 helps to buy 10 bags of cement to be used towards the required building works

$120 helps to buy Wi-Fi facilities for 3 months 

$140 will buy desks and chairs for 7 pupils in a class 

$200 will cover a specialist tutor for a class of 20 pupils for an academic year which will enable them to develop in a subject and progress to Senior High School and then to university 

$400 will buy shelving of the entire library for 250 pupils.

This is The Atito Basic School library where children come to collect reading materials, an updated library will make learning easier and help kids to reach their full potential and find their true place in the world

The Atito Development Foundation will renovate the school library to create a calm and inspiring place for children to sew the early seeds of ambition. Donate to help us to create a fertile beginning for our young minds where they can focus and flourish